
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New Student JaspernetID Format

Starting with the incoming Fall 2013 Freshmen class students will have a slightly different JaspernetID name format. Most notable the '.student' nomenclature will be dropped from all new students going forward.

New student accounts will be now be in the form
{First Initial}{Last Name Up to 17 Characters}{2 digit number}

For Example John Q. Public would be assigned a JaspernetID of:
With an email address of:

Please note the 2 digit number will not always be '01'.

The reason for this change is to make the transition from a student to an alum account more seamless. Going forward any student who receives a degree from Manhattan College will retain their email address indefinitely eliminating the need to migrate students out to a separate alumni domain after they graduate.

Alumni will continue to have full access to gmail and the google apps infrastructure and will have additional access to on campus resources such as the portal in the future.