
Monday, August 31, 2015

New Moodle Course Servers, New Moodle Features Now Available

The Moodle course server: was recently upgraded from Version 2.7 to 2.9, a 2-part upgrade in release functionality.

In addition, to reduce the number of courses on the course server and to reduce the size of the database to improve performance, the oldest courses are being moved from the course server to a new course archive server:

Our Infrastructure group is still in the process of completing that move.  When complete, you will notice a link to the Archive Server in the Moodle server navigation menu.

New Features of Moodle

For a quick guide illustrating the biggest new features with screenshots, visit the Moodle 2.8 New Features and the Moodle 2.9 New Features pages.

Watch Screencasts of Moodle 2.8 Release Highlights:

Watch Screencasts of Moodle 2.9 Release Highlights:

For more in-depth technical info on the new features introduced in each release, please visit the Moodle 2.8 Release Notes and the Moodle 2.9 Release Notes pages.