
Friday, October 2, 2015

Attention Apple Users: Fixes applied to JASPERNET WIFI

ITS has received numerous reports from owners of Apple products related to WIFI issues since the beginning of the semester.  Reports have consistently included issues accessing JASPERNET WIFI from an Apple device running recent versions of OSX including Yosemite.  Apple devices were not able to connect although other devices were functioning properly in the same location.  Apple devices would show the WIFI symbol with an exclamation point.

The issue that has been identified has been confirmed with multiple wireless vendors as a known issue with recent versions of OSX - most notably Yosemite.  The issue occurs most frequently when Apple devices roam from a 2.4GHz WIFI hotspot to a 5GHz WIFI hotspot.  While there are benefits of operating overlapping 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks, ITS has opted to temporarily discontinue the use of the 5GHz WIFI spectrum until a confirmed fixed is released from Apple.

We welcome your feedback related to this issue:  #TellITS