
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Improvements are coming to the campus-wide wifi network

ITS will be improving campus-wide Wifi service throughout the semester.

We are aware of improvements that the Manhattan College community needs urgently. We receive frustrated complaints about inadequate coverage in various parts of the campus. We know how this seriously hampers your work at Manhattan College, and we take it seriously. One way we are addressing this is by actively working to recruit a new employee to work in the Networking group. This new person would plan and build the network as needed. We have posted the job opening on the Manhattan College Job Openings page.

Wifi coverage has increased sharply in recent years. While frustration is high, it is also worth pointing out that it's now better than ever. That's not enough for some of us who are in various parts of the campus, particularly some dormitory areas, so we plan to improve those as soon as possible.

Please continue to report problems and coverage dead spots. Please be as detailed as you can be, for instance, include the sites you try to reach, where you are when you try, and what time of day the problem happens. We welcome suggestions, and this includes areas which you feel need most improvement. Call 718-862-7973 or email Also follow us on Twitter @MC_ITS for announcements and updates.