
Sunday, February 24, 2019

ITS to Launch Virtual Technology Showcase

Virtual Technology Showcase at Manhattan College will commence for 12 Weeks

ITS will be releasing a Virtual Technology Showcase on the Manhattan College ITS Blog that will extend over the course of 12 weeks.

The objective of the Showcase is to familiarize the Manhattan College community with the technology found at the college as well as the initiatives started by Manhattan College IT Services. The blog posts will highlight the ways technology can improve your daily experience at the college.

Each topic consists of information and instructions regarding the technology for that week as well as a questionnaire at the end asking for various feedback.

Topics to be covered include:
  • Kramer VIA GO Wireless Presentation (aka AirPlayV2) 
  • Crestron Multihead Connection
  • Web Print Wireless Printing
  • formMule Google Sheet Addon that allows you to easily send mail merges
  • Jamboard a collaborative digital whiteboard
  • Glance MC App
  • G Suite Productivity Apps
  • Badging: Digital Badges provide a way to showcase an accomplishment or skill 
  • LabSeat
  • Google Hangouts Meet Hardware
  • 25Live the college's room scheduling software