
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Week 12 Tech Showcase - 25Live Class and Event Scheduling Site

25Live Class and Event Scheduling

25Live is a website used to reserve a room or check the availability of a room on campus. 25Live can be used for scheduling academic and non- academic events at Manhattan College.
Note that room reservations must be made at least two days in advance.

With 25Live, you can also "star" locations, resources, and events so that you can quickly access them whenever needed. The Event Wizard will also help step by step when creating an event so that you can specify basic event information such as the event location, room capacity, time and resources needed. You can also specify if you want advertisement through digital signage and the event calendar. In addition, you can also add any notes or comments regarding the event.

Please refer to this video for detailed instructions on using the 25Live mobile view: 


25Live Knowledge Base Category

This is the final week of the IT Technology Showcase, thanks to all who participated by reading the posts and completing the weekly surveys. Your feedback and insights will be used to improve future training initiatives.

IT Services is interested in your feedback on 25Live, we are always looking for ways to improve the 25Live experience.  Please take a few moments to complete the following 25Live Survey

Contact IT Services with any questions: