
Monday, November 29, 2021

New Cyber Security Requirements

As you surely have seen in the news or in your personal life recently, cyber attacks continue to develop and increase in frequency and complexity.  Many organizations - including major technology and social media companies - are taking additional steps to ensure that the accounts of their employees and customers remain well-protected.  Manhattan College has not been immune to these attacks and associated risks and we are now being required to implement stricter controls for our community members who access institutional data.  Given this new reality, two specific requirements that we must meet are as follows:

  • All Employees must complete a yearly Cyber Security training program (More information will be coming about this shortly. This must be completed by January 21, 2022)

  • All Employees must enroll their JasperNet account in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA or 2SV) (Must be completed by January 18th, 2022 or you will be auto-enrolled)

Cyber Security Training

ITS is actively working with our insurance provider to develop a yearly Cyber Security training program that must be completed on a yearly basis starting in January 2022.  More information about the cyber security training program will be made available in the new year and must be completed by December 31st each year.  Content for the initial training program will be delivered by our insurance provider, however, we will assess the program throughout the year and provide the opportunity for campus experts to participate in determining and developing the curriculum for following years in alignment with the same requirements of the insurance provider.  ALL employees (including Faculty, Graduate Assistants, and Student Employees) will be required to complete this course yearly.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - sometimes referred to as Two-Step Verification (2SV) - will be required for all employees going forward and must be implemented no later than January 2022.  While Manhattan College has previously taken a very targeted and calculated approach to require MFA based on a “risk score” (i.e. users that access Banner or other escalated access), we must now require MFA for ALL employees (including Faculty, Graduate Assistants, and Student Employees).  To date, over 670 community members have already enrolled in MFA.  ITS will be contacting community members that still need to enroll in MFA in the coming days to provide instructions and support for enabling MFA by 1/18/2022.

MFA Support Sessions

ITS will be offering support sessions with members from the Technology Training team for those who will need to enable DUO Multi-Factor Authentication on their JasperNet accounts. Below please find more information about the drop-in training sessions. There is no signup required.


  • January: 12th, 18th, and 19th (all Wednesday’s) from 11:00am-2:00pm

Where: MGL 305 (Computer Lab)

Please remember to bring your cell phone to complete the setup.

If you are unable to attend or have any questions please contact and someone from the Training Team will reach out to schedule a separate time and answer any questions you may have.