
Monday, July 8, 2024

The current appointment slots feature in Google Calendar will be replaced by appointment schedules in July 2024 The current appointment slots feature in Google Calendar will be replaced by appointment schedules in July 2024

  The below was taken from this Google Blog Post.

What’s changing

Currently, we offer two tools with similar functionality for users in Google Calendar: appointment slots and appointment schedules. In the last several years, appointment schedules have become the more advanced tool, offering a smoother booking experience and more powerful features. 

To create a cohesive user experience in Calendar, as of July 18, 2024, the appointment slots feature will be replaced by appointment schedules. 

Between now and July 18, 2024, we encourage users to explore and familiarize themselves with appointment schedules. All existing appointment slots will remain active until July 18, 2024, however we recommend creating new appointments using appointment schedules moving forward. Starting on July 18, 2024, the appointment slots booking pages will no longer be available, and all new appointments will need to be booked through appointment schedules. Visit this comprehensive Help Center resource for detailed information about appointment schedules. 

Why it matters​​

The current appointment slots feature in Google Calendar will be replaced by appointment schedules, a feature-rich appointment booking system that offers a smoother booking experience and more powerful features. 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 

  • Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) beginning July 18, 2024 
