
Friday, August 28, 2020

Summer Technology Upgrades to Support Teaching and Learning

This summer ITS has been working round the clock, like many others, to prepare the campus for the start of the Fall 2020 semester! Below are some things that ITS has accomplished during the summer of 2020:

  • Installations of  technology used for flexible learning. 

    • Classrooms around campus have been outfitted with an IPEVO Document Camera, Speakermic and, in some cases, a webcam. This will help to facilitate flexible learning in our classrooms on campus. 

    • Instructions for how to uses these devices has also been placed in all classrooms

    • We will continue to provide training and Q&A sessions on how to use the new technology in the classrooms. Be on the lookout for an announcement from ITS via the MC Announcements and our ITS blog, itsblog.manhattan.eduIPEVO Document Camerasmall webcamSpeakermic deivce

  • The implementation of “Remotely”

    • “Remotely” is a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) application. It allows you to remotely logon to  computers in the labs on campus and access their programs remotely. This will allow for remote students to participate in computer lab classes without having to be on campus. 

    • For instructions on how to access remotely please use this link

  • Computer Labs Updated For Covid Capacity

    • All computer labs on campus have been set up to reflect open computers as well as  computers that should not be used. Computers that should not be used will display a message of “Chair to remain vacant”.  The vacant stations are powering the aforementioned Remotely app.

      Window of computer lab with green stickers saying “face covering required on campus” and “please maintain 6 feet apart physical distancing”desktops with paper saying “chair to remain vacant”desktops with paper saying “chair to remain vacant”

  •  DLS 314 computer lab received an upgrade of new monitors and computers. 

  • HAY 100 received a brand new laser projector

  • Wifi Additions 

    • Campus wide tests were conducted of the Wifi and additional wifi was installed in needed rooms

ITS would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy start of their semester!