New features on the latest revision of Gmail
Let's have a look at some of the features in detail.
1. Quickly take action on your messages
Organize emails from your inbox
- Archive
- Delete
- Mark as unread
or read
- Snooze
Snooze emails until later
Postpone emails to a future date or time that's more convenient for you. Learn how to snooze emails.
Respond to emails with Smart Reply suggestions
2. Customize your inbox view
Expand or shrink your inbox
Change how spacious or compact you want your inbox view.
In the top right, click Settings 
Display density.
Show or hide the menu
To make room for previewing your email, you can expand or shrink your inbox view by clicking Menu
View Calendar, Tasks, Keep & Add-ons
On the right of your inbox, click these icons:
- Calendar
: View your daily schedule, click events to edit them, create new events, and jump to upcoming events.
- Keep
: Create checklists and take notes.
- Tasks
: Add to-do's and deadlines.
- Add-ons
: Get extra Gmail tools to help manage your mail.
Learn how to use Calendar, Keep, Tasks, and Add-ons with Gmail.
For further details please review Learn what's new in Gmail
Partially reposted from: Learn what's new in Gmail