[ARCHIVED] Telephone System Upgrade - 2013

Information about a new Telephone upgrade @ Manhattan College.

1/3/2013 - Telephone System Upgrade Announcement
3/5/2013 - Telephone System Upgrade - Training Week of 3/11
3/8/2013 - Telephone System Upgrade - Coming Soon
3/8/2013 - SIGNUP: Telephone System Upgrade Training - 3/12-3/15
3/25/2013 - Upgrade Postponed -- How to report Issues
5/23/2013 - Telephone Upgrade Completion Timeline
7/1/2013 - Campus Telephone Upgrade Resumes
8/24/2013 - Telephone System Upgrade - Completion - Next Steps
9/9.2013 - Telephone Feature Available - Voicemail to Email 

New Phone Welcome Letter

Summer 2013 Phone Deployment Schedule

The "installation" phase of the telephone system upgrade project has come to a close.  If your phone has not been upgraded or are experiencing issues with your new phone, please contact phone@manhattan.edu
Requests for programming or features should also be sent to phone@manhattan.edu

My phone was recently upgraded.  What's next??

If your phone was recently upgraded, you will need to take some additional steps to complete the upgrade process:

  1. Check your "old" voicemail
    Voicemail stored on the old telephone system will only be accessible for a short period of time during the migration period.  The old system will be removed in a few weeks, so please login to the ofl voicemail system to ensure that all of your old voicemail messages have been checked.  You can still access the old voicemail system by dialing x7116.
    ** UPDATE - the old voicemail system will be decommissioned on Monday 9/9/2013.  After this date, any messages on the "old" system will no longer be available. **
  2. Setup your "new" voicemail box
    You will be required to setup your new voicemail box.  Steps were covered in the training sessions, however, you can also refer to the voicemail instructions.

Please submit questions or requests by emailing telephone@manhattan.edu

Training Manuals and Information 

Please contact the telephone operator at x7105.  Please submit requests for changes or configuration updates by emailing telephone@manhattan.edu

More information:  http://www.manhattan.edu/phone